The project template manager you've been waiting for

Managing templates for Python projects is simple with trex. Stop writing boilerplate code again and again and again and again...

$ pip install trex

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trex currently only supports Python 3.9 and 3.10

What can trex do?

trex manages project templates for you. Just create them easily with one command.

$ trex new fastapi

Want to have a GitHub repository as a template? Just create it as a remote template and trex will do the rest.

$ trex remote trex

Want to make it even easier to create templates? Just set a folder to be your templates directory and each folder in it becomes a trex template.

$ trex set /Users/me/Development/trex

You can make trex list all templates and open the templates directory for you.

$ trex all
$ trex all --open

When you're ready, make a new project from a template with only one command. Add flags like--venv--git, or --installdeps (install dependencies) for more control.

$ trex make fastapi myproject